
When MLS Learning Inc. was established by Iris Y. Fisher in 2002, she named the organization after her greatest teacher and source of inspiration, her mother, Mary Lue Smith. She was the loving mother of nine children, including the MLS Learning Inc. founder. Mrs. Smith's heart's desire was to go to college to become a teacher, but marriage and motherhood took her in another direction. Still, Mrs. Smith was a natural educator and took on the role of teaching her grandchildren the skills they needed to be prepared to start kindergarten.

After much discussion among Mrs. Smith's children, they decided to honor her legacy by naming the non-profit MLS Learning, Inc., after their giving and sweet mother, Mary Lue Smith. She inspired her children and grandchildren to go after their dreams and to never give up, and she passed on the importance of higher education so that her children would pass it on to their children. She was a giving person who was always willing to help others with a smile. She was a person who always looked out for the future of her family and her legacy will forever live on. When her family thinks of her, Proverbs 31: 10-31 comes to their minds. She was truly a virtuous woman and she was proud of her family and the organization that carries her name.

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Mary Lue Smith

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